Friday, December 7, 2012

The Point of This Blog

Right. So if you've read my account of my senior year of high school--let's call it my manifesto on good essay writing, decent essay writing, mediocre essay writing, and awful-beyond-belief essay writing--you know who I am, sort of. You know that my name's not actually Charles Remington Dremmel but that you'll never know me by anything else, because my writing crimes carry an academic death sentence.

Andy Hueller, this English teacher and writer from Minnesota, apparently found my manifesto--my gift to you, explaining how I went about writing essays for my classmates and getting paid to do it--and asked if he could publish it all in a book, How I Got Rich Writing C Papers. Which is cool, I guess, because now you have easier access to it. Makes a nice holiday present for an aspiring entrepreneur in your life, or for anyone who wants to know more about writing essays, I suppose.

Anyway, because I'm more charitable than even I (especially I) ever expected, I've decided to give you another gift: this blog. And really, it's the gift that keeps on giving. I'll update it when I feel like it, and I'll add bits of writing advice you can read or ignore.
